Independent research is not an easy thing to do; embarking upon a journey completely on your own gets quite overwhelming. Yes, here you are working for yourself and it is none but you who decides how to proceed but it is for the same reason it takes a great deal of motivation, courage and diligence. This is why along the way many researchers start procrastinating and even quitting. There are many obstacles that the researchers face in their journey, like improper time management, insufficient funding, difficulty in getting approval from the review board etc. Now what researchers need to do is to stop thinking that they are helpless and on this road alone; there is help only if they know where to look. You will find ample amounts of journal call for papers on various platforms regarding this issue that will guide you. Let us discuss a few ways in which independent researchers can help themselves:

  1. Choose the Topic Wisely- To become an independent researcher, one must know their area of interest and expertise; it is always a blessing if these two align. Now the next step is finding the gaps in the area of interest. Once you have identified the gaps try to find if any of these gaps can be filled with experiential approaches and right there is your topic. Please note that this idea must have the potential to be materialized with research.
  2. Secure the Funding- Being an independent researcher can be tough as continuous income may not be guaranteed at all times. And you are not working under any institution therefore you might not get much funding. To move steadily without any financial strain, do talk to your fellow researchers and seniors who have independently received grants. Get all your doubts clarified and develop an effective strategy to secure your research funding.
  3. Manage Your Time Skilfully- Time management has got to be the biggest issue that researchers face. You need to know that working independently does not mean procrastinating and piling works up. To proceed smoothly with your research you have to plan your days, weeks, months strategically.  Do not waste your time on one thing just because you are stuck. If you find any difficulty in any of the areas, over to the next one and get that done. Once you get a topic for your research, start finding the funders. Do not take much time on anything. If you face a lack of information, materials or references on the internet, try other sources. Do not forget for a second that the clock is ticking.
  4. Building Network- The most important job that researchers must do is building a great network. You cannot just work on your project and sit back without participating in related events. When you are walking on your path alone you do not have any influential name associated with you therefore it is natural that people will not know you. That is why it will be a good idea to attend events like seminars, webinars or any academic gatherings that take place. Even in these events do not always just be a listener; pitch your paper once in a while so that people get an idea about what you are working on, what your area of expertise are. A good network will help you with resources too and who knows, probably in one of these places you will find a sponsor willing to publish your research.

All of these issues faced by independent researchers are well known to academia but no significant changes have been made to turn this situation around. Even today there remains a huge gap between what the researchers expect before coming into this field and what actually happens. It shows how greatly academia has failed to adequately support and guide young researchers to meet their goals. But even in the midst of all these, skilfully planning the steps of your research goes a long way. To become a successful researcher you need to be a good planner first. Plan every step carefully and work strategically instead of working hard and you will find achieving your goal much easier.


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