
Imagine living without Alexa, Siri or Google assistant. It almost sounds impossible, doesn’t it? It is because Artificial Intelligence is the present and the future of this world. It performs even those complex tasks that demand human intelligence. We use it everyday in all our needs; sometimes even unknowingly. From our mobile phones to our cars, everything is run by AI nowadays. It helps us not only with routines, searches and taking photos but also with parking, collisions, pedestrians, and even cruise control. This rapid progress of AI is not at all slackening; rather it is finding new applications.

6 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence:

  1. Reduces Errors – No matter how careful we are, at some point or other we are bound to make some errors. It is something unavoidable but with AI these errors can be minimised and in some cases reduced to null. AI makes decisions through algorithms and previously gathered information. A well-programmed AI helps your work to be more accurate and precise.
  2. Performs Risky Tasks – AI easily performs those tasks that are risky for human beings to do. Tasks like defusing a bomb, exploring the deepest parts of oceans, going to space etc. AI not only survives hostile environments but also reaches great accuracy and never wears out.
  3. Helps Make Faster and Better Decisions – Human beings are driven by emotions which affect their decision making but in AI there is no emotion involved at all. It is completely unbiased, practical and logical in approach which enables it to help humans make faster, smarter and more accurate decisions.
  4. Helps in Repetitive Works – Automation is one of the biggest advantages of AI. We have to perform too many repetitive tasks in our everyday life, such as sending ‘thank you’ mails or checking documents for errors. But automation takes away these monotonous tasks from our shoulders, saves us from silly errors and helps to engage ourselves in more important and creative works.
  5. Helps Improve Education – In Spite of being student centric, the current education system does not meet each and every learner’s needs. This is where AI enters. By determining a student’s learning style it prepares personalised lesson plans for individual learners. It increases the overall quality of education and develops interest in learners.
  6. Daily Applications – Our everyday life is almost controlled by a variety of AI based apps like Cortana, Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant etc. AI helps us click pictures, find the best routes, predict the weather, check the scores, listen to music of various matches and so on.

Artificial Intelligence has brought revolutionary changes in the technology industry. Though it is still not perfected in some cases, we can totally expect that in near future it will gain ultimate efficiency and perfection.

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